Day of Inspection

How long does an inspection take?

Normally an average home inspection takes between 2 and 2 1/2 hours. Larger houses can take longer.

Do I need to come to the inspection?

It’s not absolutely necessary. You will get a full report and can reach out and discuss the report after the inspection. If you do plan on attending it’s best to come towards the end and the inspector will do a full review.

The Report

When will I get my report?

The report will be sent by email within 24 hours. However, in many cases, it may be the same day as the inspection.

What kind of things do you inspect?

There are well over 500 items that will be evaluated during an inspection. Siding, roof, garage, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, and structure are just a few. For a complete list click on “Standards of Practice” above.

Will the seller get a copy of the inspection report?

The home inspection report of the subject property belongs to the buyer. The inspector is only allowed to share it with anyone the buyer approves. Generally, this includes the buyer’s agent but not the listing agent.

Radon Testing

What is radon?

Radon is a colorless odorless gas produced from products of decay from the uranium in the ground. It is a carcinogen and is the second leading cause of lung cancer.

How do you test for radon?

DTI Property Inspections uses Airthings Corentium Pro radon monitors, one of the highest-rated radon measurement devices on the market. The monitor is placed on the lowest livable level of the home for 48 hours and takes constant readings. At the end of the two days, you will get a detailed report showing the hourly readings as well as the average.

Do I need a radon test if there is a mitigation system installed?

Yes. One thing the mitigation system does signify is that there is naturally high radon in the home. The only way to truly tell if a mitigation system is working is to test. Even with a mitigation system, the home should be retested every two years.

Sewer Scope

Do I need a sewer scope?

The short answer is yes. Unless the property is a condominium or townhome that has a shared sewer line that is covered by the homeowners association scope of the sewer should always be done. Whether the line is old or new, plastic or clay, there can still be expensive but hidden issues.